Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Creating an iso on Mac OS X

I know that a lot of you have done this already, but I always forget the best way to create an iso from a cd on the Mac.

I ran across an entry on a forum ( from tgage who gave the following:

From within Terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal)

Mac OS X Tiger (10.4)

You can determine the device that is you CD/DVD drive using the following command:

drutil status

Vendor Product Rev

Type: CD-ROM Name: /dev/disk1
Cur Write: 16x CD Sessions: 1
Max Write: 16x CD Tracks: 3
Overwritable: 00:00:00 blocks: 0 / 0.00MB / 0.00MiB
Space Free: 00:00:00 blocks: 0 / 0.00MB / 0.00MiB
Space Used: 66:55:27 blocks: 301152 / 616.76MB / 588.19MiB

Now you will need to umount the disk with the following command:

diskutil unmountDisk disk1

Now you can write the ISO file with the dd utility:

dd if=/dev/disk1 of=file.iso

When finished you will want to remount the disk:

diskutil mountDisk disk1

Thats it.  Just wait for it to finish creating the iso and you are good to go.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Firefox 4 Security Features

On March 22nd 2010 Mozilla released the long awaited firefox 4 browser.  Of the improvements to the browser Mozilla added what is referred to as "XSS and Content Security Policy (CSP)".  This does a rather decent job at preventing certain browser pop-ups/alert boxes.

However, for someone that plays around with XSS and loves alert boxes this was a slight problem.  You won't find CSP in any of the menu options but you will find it in 'about:config'.  If you do a search for CSP you will find the following two entries:

security.csp.debug - false
security.csp.enable - true

If you want to make sure that you can test your alert boxes it is highly recommended that you go and mark 'security.csp.enable' as 'false'.